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Priorities of DG TAXUD for 2016 discussed at AmCham EU Plenary

5 Apr 2016

AmCham EU’s March Plenary meeting exceptionally took place on Monday, 4 April and focused on the priorities of DG TAXUD for 2016. 

A very heartfelt thank you to Nikolaus Tacke from all at AmCham EU

5 Apr 2016
Agriculture & Food

AmCham EU would like to extend a very heartfelt thank you to Nikolaus Tacke, formerly Public Affairs and Government Relations Director for Europe at The Coca-Cola Company.

Nikolaus has taken on the role of Managing Director at the Brussels office of Hering Schuppener. We wish him the very best of luck!

AmCham EU sponsors roundtable event on TTIP and its possible impact on the UK

30 Mar 2016
Trade & External Affairs

On Thursday, 24 March 2016, AmCham EU supported a roundtable event on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) in London, UK.  Entitled “What will TTIP mean for the UK?” and hosted by EurActiv, the event brought together key representatives from government, business and civil society to discuss TTIP and explore its possible ramifications for the UK. 

The Transatlantic Relationship in a Changing World - AmCham EU Transatlantic Week comes to a close

18 Mar 2016
Trade & External Affairs

AmCham EU held its 2016 Transatlantic Week, during the week of 14-18 March, bringing together its many members, AmChams in Europe (ACE) members, stakeholders from EU institutions, Permanent Representations, NGOs and other organisations.

AmChams in Europe

Brussels Briefing for AmChams in Europe takes place

18 Mar 2016

Between Wednesday 16 and Friday 18 March 2016, AmCham EU hosted the Brussels Briefing for colleagues from the national American Chambers of Commerce (AmChams). 25 representatives from AmChams in Europe and wider Europe participated in the Briefing. This took place in the context of the Transatlantic Week

Find out more here!

Transatlantic Economy 2016 Report

16 Mar 2016
Trade & External Affairs

Transatlantic Economy 2016 Report - Annual survey of jobs, trade and investment between the United States and Europe

Full report

Executive Summary

Delegation of the Transport, Energy & Climate Committee holds constructive discussions in Strasbourg

11 Mar 2016
Transport, Energy & Climate

On Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9 March, a delegation of 11 members from the Transport, Energy & Climate Committee travelled to the European Parliament in Strasbourg to hold discussions on the key legislative files of 2016.

International Women's Day

Gender diversity in the workplace is good for business

9 Mar 2016
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

AmCham EU took part in celebrating International Women's Day on Tuesday, 8 March, 2016. AmCham EU fully supports this year's theme of stepping up measures to deliver greater gender parity. A greater gender balance is beneficial to all, as there is an unmistakable tie between gender diversity in the workplace and financial performance, innovation, employee satisfaction and corporate social responsibility. Read more here

AmCham EU’s Board meets with Ambassador Reinhard Silberberg, German Permanent Representative

4 Mar 2016

On Thursday, 3 March 2016, AmCham EU welcomed Ambassador Reinhard Silberberg, Permanent Representative of Germany to the EU, for an informal luncheon with the Board. Ambassador Silberberg, who previously served as German Ambassador to Spain and as head of the EU affairs department in the German Chancellor’s office, shared his views on the latest political and economic developments in the EU. The future of the transatlantic relationship was also touched upon.

BritishAmerican Business launch transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP) report

3 Mar 2016
Trade & External Affairs

Following successful twin launch events in Brussels and London BritishAmerican Business (BAB) are pleased to share its comprehensive TTIP case study publication: ‘Four Sectors, Many Stories, One Ambition: Leading UK industries make the case for TTIP’. The report draws on the learnings from BAB’s ‘Open for Business’ initiative, a series of sector-specific events exploring the benefits of a comprehensive EU-US trade and investment partnership (TTIP) agreement held in collaboration with national and local partners across the UK.


AmCham EU hosts Transparency Register seminar

24 Feb 2016
Institutional Affairs

On Wednesday, 24 February 2016, AmCham EU's Institutional Affairs Committee organised an internal seminar on the Transparency Register with the participation of Martin Ohridski and Elisabeth Bauer from the Joint Transparency Register Secretariat. 

The AmCham EU Secretariat travels to Antwerp to visit the Coca-Cola production and distribution centre

24 Feb 2016

On Monday, 22 February 2016, the AmCham EU Secretariat travelled to Coca-Cola’s plant in Antwerp for an off-site team building. The excursion included a tour of the Visitors Centre and a visit of the Coca-Cola production and distribution centre. We would like to thank Coca-Cola for this great opportunity, especially Nikolaus Tacke for arranging the visit and Nadia Tesseur for serving as our Tour Guide.

AmCham EU, COCIR and MedTech Europe exchange views on medical devices

23 Feb 2016

On Friday, 19 February 2016 AmCham EU hosted a joint association briefing in collaboration with COCIR and MedTech Europe on ‘Medical Devices: Perspectives on the EU Negotiations’. The breakfast was well attended, including several MEP assistants and healthcare attachés from different permanent representations to the EU.

Hendrik Bourgeois

Hendrik Bourgeois stresses need for TTIP negotiators to speed up negotiations

23 Feb 2016

In an interview with EurActiv, Hendrik Bourgeois (GE), Chair of AmCham EU’s TTIP Task Force, discusses the TTIP negotiations, ahead of the 12th round of TTIP talks. 

AmCham EU hosts networking evening for young professionals

19 Feb 2016
European Parliament Outreach

On Thursday 18 February, young professionals from the wider Brussels community gathered together with AmCham EU staff and members for a networking evening at Quartier Leopold on Place Luxembourg. This annual event brought together young professionals from the European Parliament, the European Commission, permanent representations of Member States, as well as European and international business and trade associations, to meet and exchange views.


Gender diversity in the workplace stimulates growth and competitiveness

18 Feb 2016
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

On Wednesday, 17 February 2016, AmCham EU hosted an event on how gender diversity in the workplace can positively affect companies’ bottom lines. 

Emissions Trading System

February Plenary meeting focuses on the Emissions Trading System (ETS)

16 Feb 2016
Transport, Energy & Climate

On Tuesday, 16 February 2016, AmCham EU held its monthly Plenary meeting on the proposed reform of the Emissions Trading System.

TTIP expected to deliver a range of economic and social benefits to the EU, study finds

28 Jan 2016

On Wednesday, 27 January 2016, AmCham EU hosted a launch event for TTIP and the EU Member States, a new study by the World Trade Institute (WTI). The event focused on the economic opportunities that a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) could offer and on the challenges that still need to be addressed in order for a robust agreement to be struck. TTIP is expected to deliver a range of economic and social benefits for EU citizens and businesses.

TTIP and the EU Member States - new study by WTI

28 Jan 2016
Trade & External Affairs

An assessment of the economic impact of an ambitious Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) at EU Member State level.

Read full report here.

For hard copies of the study please email

Streamlining Customs - Vicky Ford

AmCham EU calls for simplifying customs procedures to promote e-Commerce & trade

26 Jan 2016
Customs & Trade Facilitation

On Tuesday 26 January, AmCham EU's Customs and Trade Facilitation Committee launched its new publication entitled 'Connecting the World: Streamlining customs procedures benefits consumers and stimulates the economy'. The brochure was designed to provide policy-makers with recommendations for developing a more simple, clear and effective EU customs framework to boost trade and create growth.
