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AmCham EU; WTO

AmCham EU delegation to the World Trade Organization (WTO) Public Forum

3 Oct 2016
Trade & External Affairs
All committees

AmCham EU’s Trade and External Affairs Committee took part in a delegation to the World Trade Organization (WTO) Public Forum 2016, held in Geneva, on Thursday, 29 September 2016. The delegation highlight was an AmCham EU-hosted panel session on the subject of 'How to transform E-Commerce into global E-Trade?'. 

AmCham EU to take part in relay marathon against cancer

30 Sep 2016

A team from AmCham EU will be running the combined relay marathon Acerta Brussels Ekiden on Saturday, 15 October 2016. All funds raised will go to Fondation Contre le Cancer

Your support is greatly appreciated! Click HERE to donate.

Circular Economy, AmCham EU

Green solutions drive the economy, but more can be achieved

29 Sep 2016
All committees

AmCham EU held its event, ‘The Circular Economy: Innovative business solutions and how to go further’, on Wednesday 28 September 2016.

The event kicked off with Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU providing a welcome and presentation of AmCham EU’s latest brochure entitled, The Circular Economy: 10 Innovative business solutions and how to go further.

EU Trade Agreements in Practice – Making Trade Work for You

26 Sep 2016
Trade & External Affairs

Tim Adamson, Policy Adviser, attended a high-level conference on EU trade policy, EU Trade Agreements in Practice – Making Trade Work for You, held on 22 September 2016 in Bratislava, Slovakia. The conference highlight saw EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström and Canadian Minister for International Trade Chrystia Freeland discuss how to put progressive trade policy into practice.

For further infomration contact Tim Adamson (

AmCham EU meets US Commercial Service’s Regional Senior Commercial Officers

26 Sep 2016

AmCham EU met with the US Commercial Service’s Regional Senior Commercial Officers (RSCOs) in Europe on Wednesday, 21 September. The meeting was an opportunity to brief the RSCOs on some of the top policy priorities such as TTIP, Brexit, Copyright etc. for the EU and to discuss closer cooperation on advocacy.

For forther information please contact Roger Coelho (

The role of the transport sector in the EU’s decarbonisation agenda

25 Sep 2016


AmCham EU’s monthly plenary meeting took place and focused on the role of the transport sector in the EU’s decarbonisation agenda. Peter Vis, Senior Adviser to the Director General, DG MOVE, delivered the keynote speech. 


AmCham EU Secretariat travel to Blankenberge for team-building

19 Sep 2016

The AmCham EU secretariat travelled to Blankenberge on the 13-14 September for a series of team-building exercises including frisbee, beach volleyball, rafting, biking and bowling.

Special thanks to Susan and Max for organising!

AmCham EU organises staff alumni gathering

19 Sep 2016

The AmCham EU secretariat organised a staff alumni gathering on Saturday, 10 September in Callen's Cafe. 

Current and former staff caught up over drinks and finger food and enjoyed an evening of fun!

EU businesses call for customs procedures to focus on economic growth and increased trade

12 Sep 2016
Customs & Trade Facilitation

EU businesses throughout the value chain could benefit significantly if customs was better integrated with  economic and trade policy and implemented identically across the EU. 

US businesses remain committed to TTIP

31 Aug 2016
Trade & External Affairs

Timothy Adamson, Trade Policy Officer at AmCham EU, stated in interview with Sputnik International News that AmCham EU and business groups in the EU and US are convinced that TTIP would boost growth, jobs and standards on both sides of the Atlantic

Read full article HERE. 

TTIP could mean cheaper cars, faster innovation and more jobs here in the EU

20 Jul 2016
Trade & External Affairs

Sabine Jost-Heil, Senior Manager of Trade and Industrial Policy at Daimler AG, discusses the importance of TTIP for the European automobile industry.

Read her blog post here.

Penny Naas of UPS represents AmCham EU at Global Trade 2016 conference

15 Jul 2016
Trade & External Affairs

Penny Naas, Vice President of Public Affairs and Sustainability at UPS, represented AmCham EU at the Global Trade 2016 - Governance, Growth and the Changing Dynamics of International Trade conference organised by Chatham House in London on Monday, 11 July 2016.

The conference focused on the evolution of global trade governance, the implications for economic growth and political relationships, as well as the effect of the growth of service-based and digital trade on the global economy.

Ignacio Garcia Bercero and Dan Mullaney

AmCham EU and the Business Alliance for TTIP host Lead EU and US TTIP Negotiators

14 Jul 2016

On Thursday, 14 July 2016 AmCham EU and the Business Alliance for TTIP hosted a breakfast briefing with Ignacio Garcia Bercero and Dan Mullaney, the Lead EU and US TTIP Negotiators. Garcia Bercero and Mullaney updated the Alliance on the progress made in the TTIP negotiations, and expectations for 2016.

July Plenary meeting focuses on the state of play of the Better Regulation Package

13 Jul 2016
Plenary Meeting

AmCham EU’s July Plenary meeting took place on Wednesday, 13 July 2016 and focused on the European Commission’s Better Regulation Agenda.

Salomé Cisnal de Ugarte

Salomé Cisnal de Ugarte re-elected Vice-Chair of AmCham EU Board

6 Jul 2016

AmCham EU is delighted to announce that Salomé Cisnal de Ugarte (Crowell & Moring LLP) has been re-elected Vice-Chair (lawyer/consultant) of the AmCham EU Board. We hope that you will join us in congratulating her.

AmCham EU hosts lunch meeting with Congressman Jim Costa

4 Jul 2016

On Wednesday, 29 June 2016, AmCham EU members exchanged views with Congressman Jim Costa (D-CA) at AmCham EU offices.

A Ranking Member of the US Delegation of the Transatlantic Legislators’ Dialogue (TLD), Congressman Costa debriefed AmCham EU members on the outcomes of the recent TLD meeting in the Hague, Netherlands. He also discussed with members important issues including TTIP, the transatlantic relationship, and the future of trade policy in the US after the upcoming Presidential elections.

Joint event on TTIP hosted in cooperation with Nicola Danti MEP in the European Parliament

4 Jul 2016

An event on TTIP hosted by Nicola Danti MEP (IT, S&D) on TTIP, in collaboration with AmCham EU, was held in the European Parliament on Wednesday, 29 June 2016. The event included two panel sessions featuring high-level representatives from across government, business, academia and civil society.  

Participants explored the potential impact of TTIP on the EU Single Market and on SMEs, two key topics critical to the success of Europe and to the negotiations.


Breakfast briefing for MEP assistants to discuss ways to improve access to medicines in the EU

4 Jul 2016

On Friday, 1 July 2016, AmCham EU hosted a breakfast briefing focusing on ways to improve access to medicines in the EU. MEP Assistants, Political Advisors and Members of AmCham EU’s Healthcare Committee gathered for an informal discussion on:

  • Issues surrounding access to medicines in the EU;
  • Further cooperation needed to deliver new life-saving treatments to patients; and
  • How to ensure the sustainability of healthcare systems and spur economic growth and job creation in Europe.

AmCham EU meets with leading business women from Bulgaria

27 Jun 2016

Susan Danger, Managing Director, AmCham EU met with a delegation of members from the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria (CWBB) after being asked to host the group during their visit to Brussels by Eva Paunova MEP (EPP, BG). AmCham EU hosted the delegation of 13 leading business women representing a range of industries from Bulgaria. The 60 members which make up the Council consists of companies which collectively contribute 10% of Bulgaria’s GDP. The Council aims to promote professional development in women across all sectors and career stages.

The Latin Term Every Exporter Should Know: De Minimis

21 Jun 2016
Trade & External Affairs

Nando Cesarone, President of UPS Europe, discusses the recently implemented Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act and the benefits it can bring to businesses of all sizes.

Read his blog post here.
