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Intellectual Property Committee welcomes Daniel Marti, US Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator at the White House

21 Jun 2016

AmCham EU’s Intellectual Property Committee were delighted to welcome Daniel Marti, US Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator (IPEC) at the White House, on the occasion of his first visit to Brussels since taking office. The roundtable discussion with members focused on the US government’s new Joint Strategic Plan on Intellectual Property Enforcement for 2016-2019,  recent developments and emerging priorities in intellectual property enforcement on both sides of the Atlantic and how EU and US players can further collaborate. 

2016 Lizanne Scott Staff Excellence Award

21 Jun 2016
All committees

AmCham EU is delighted to announce that this year's winners of the Lizanne Scott Staff Excellence Award are Thibaut L'Ortye, Executive Assistant to the Managing Director, and Carine Pauly, Information Systems Coordinator. 

The Lizanne Scott Staff Excellence Award recognises outstanding work by members of the AmCham EU staff. 

AmCham EU holds AGM 2016 at the Palais des Académies

21 Jun 2016

The AmCham EU Annual General Meeting took place at the Palais des Académies on Monday, 20 June 2016. 

Presentations, recapping the previous twelve months, were given by Karl Cox, Chair of AmCham EU; Liam Benham, Chair of the AmCham EU Policy Group; Melanie Faithfull Kent, Chair of the AmCham EU Communications and Marketing Group; and Patrick Xhonneux, Chair of the AmCham EU Operations Group. 

The future of the EU Single Market is at grave risk

15 Jun 2016
All committees

The integrity of the EU, rising nationalism and protectionism, a lack of political will and muted Commission ambition are all contributing to the uncertainty of the Single Market

These are the main findings of AmChamEU’s recent event ‘The Single Market Under Threat’.

Zeger Vercouteren elected Member-at–Large (corporate) of the AmCham EU Board

9 Jun 2016

AmCham EU is delighted to announce that Zeger Vercouteren  (Johnson & Johnson) is the newly-elected Member-at-Large (corporate) of the AmCham EU Board of Directors.

Karl Cox, Chair of the Board, presents AmCham EU's recommendations to the Slovak Presidency

AmCham EU discusses Slovak Presidency's priorities with Ambassador Javorcik

7 Jun 2016

On Monday 6 June 2016, AmCham EU members met with Ambassador Peter Javorcik, Permanent Representative of the Slovak Republic to the EU, to discuss the priorities of Slovak Presidency which will begin on 1 July 2016.

AmCham EU Gala

AmCham EU Gala 2016 takes place at Concert Noble

3 Jun 2016
Communications Group
All committees

The annual AmCham EU Gala took place the evening of Thursday 2 June at the Concert Noble in Brussels. The event kicked off with a welcome reception and remarks by AmCham EU’s Susan Danger and Karl Cox, followed by the presentation of the eleventh AmCham EU Transatlantic Business Award. 

Trade under Fire: Transatlantic Dialogue on Challenges and Opportunities

1 Jun 2016

''We are aware of how increasingly sensitive the trade issue is becoming and of what is increasingly becoming a fractured political environment', stated Susan Danger, Managing Director, AmCham EU at the 'Trade Under Fire' panel discussion which took place at BUSINESSEUROPE on Tuesday, 31 May 2016.

The end of traditional financial services? - AmCham EU's FinTech breakfast takes place

31 May 2016
Digital Economy
Financial Services

AmCham EU was pleased to host a breakfast discussion on ‘The end of traditional financial services? How technology is changing the industry’ on Tuesday, 31 May. The event featured a keynote address by Martin Merlin, Director, Directorate D – Regulation and prudential supervision of financial institutions, Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (DG FISMA), European Commission.

EU Presidency Outreach delegation travels to Bratislava

30 May 2016

A delegation of AmCham EU members traveled to Bratislava, Slovakia, from Wednesday, 25 to Friday, 27 May 2016 to present AmCham EU's Policy Recommendations to the Slovakian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. 

The Slovak Minister for Foreign Affairs, Miroslav Lajčák, gave a keynote address on ‘The Priorities of the Slovak Presidency of the EU: how to make it a success’ at a breakfast briefing with the delegation. Following the briefing a panel discussion took place with local government and business representatives on the aforementioned priorities.

Audrey Douspis and Christelle Verstraeten elected Vice-Chairs of Transport, Energy & Climate Committee

25 May 2016
Transport, Energy & Climate

Congratulations to Audrey Douspis, EU Affairs Manager, Michelin and Christelle Verstraeten, Director, Government Affairs & Policy Europe, GE, who have been elected as Vice-Chairs of AmCham EU’s Transport, Energy & Climate Committee for a two-year term.

May Plenary meeting focuses on data protection

25 May 2016
Digital Economy

AmCham EU’s May Plenary meeting took place on Wednesday 25 May 2016 and focused on data protection. 

AmCham EU’s Tim Adamson discusses TTIP at European Youth Event in Strasbourg

23 May 2016
Trade & External Affairs

On 21 May 2016, Tim Adamson, Research Specialist, AmCham EU, discussed TTIP and its possible impact on EU citizens at the European Youth Event (EYE) in Strasbourg. The event brings together more than 7000 young professionals from around the EU to discuss key issues affecting Europe’s young people today.

Competition Policy Committee hosts Terrell McSweeny of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission

20 May 2016
Competition policy

AmCham EU’s Competition Policy Committee welcomed Terrell McSweeny, Commissioner of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, for a discussion on issues surrounding US and EU competition policy and enforcement in the digital economy.

Annual Washington Doorknock takes place!

17 May 2016
Trade & External Affairs

The AmCham EU annual delegation visit to Washington, DC took place throughout the week of 16 May 2016. A series of high-level meetings on cross-sectoral issues such as TTIP and wider transatlantic economic relations took place.

EU Presidency Outreach delegation visit kicks off

17 May 2016

A delegation of AmCham EU members will travel to Bratislava, Slovakia, from Wednesday 25 to Friday 27 May 2016 to present AmCham EU's policy recommendations to the Slovakian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. 

AmCham EU participates in AmChams in Europe delegation visit to Washington, DC

17 May 2016
Plenary Meeting
All committees

Susan Danger, Managing Director, and Roger Coelho, Policy Manager, were in Washington DC from Sunday 8 May to Tuesday 10 May for the USA Conference of the AmChams in Europe (ACE) network. The ACE delegation included representatives from 35 AmChams in Europe and wider Europe.

Leah Charpentier confirmed Chair of Environment Committee

13 May 2016

Congratulations to Leah Charpentier (Albemarle) on her confirmation as Chair of AmCham EU’s Environment Committee. Leah was previously a Vice-Chair of the Committee and has been an active member for several years.

TTIP Member State study presented to ECR MEPs in Strasbourg

11 May 2016
Trade & External Affairs

On Tuesday 10 May, AmCham EU presented the TTIP and the EU Member States study to the ECR delegation at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

The meeting was hosted by Emma McClarkin MEP (ECR/UK).

Squire Patton Boggs voted in as a new AmCham EU member

29 Apr 2016
All committees

Congratulations to Squire Patton Boggs on becoming a full member of AmCham EU. Squire Patton Boggs is a global public policy law firm with 130 years of experience and has consistently been ranked as a top tier law firm both in the United States and globally.
