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The TTC’s sixth ministerial meeting

8 Apr 2024
All committees

On 4-5 April 2024, the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC)’s sixth ministerial meeting took place in Leuven, Belgium. This meeting – the last before elections on both sides of the Atlantic –  provided  the EU and the US with the opportunity to solidify the forum's achievements. The transatlantic partners delivered key initiatives on trade and investment, including the Joint Declaration on Enhancing eInvoicing and the Joint EU-US Catalogue of Best Practices on Green Procurement. They also deepened their cooperation on emerging technologies by publishing a Joint 6G vision, defining Terminology and Taxonomy for Artificial Intelligence, making progress on quantum issues and extending the existing administrative arrangements on semiconductors. 

The launch of new workstreams in areas like bioeconomy technology and solar energy further demonstrated a transatlantic willingness to collaborate on emerging common challenges.

The TTC has consistently shown that it can bring tangible value for the transatlantic partners, business and civil society. However, work remains to be done. To ensure that this forum continues to bear fruit, the EU and the US should identify more focused outcomes, make the platform permanent, improve stakeholder engagement and enhance its external dimension.

Read more about AmCham EU’s recommendations on how to make the TTC fit for the future here