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Competition Policy Conference
More info: Andrew Hill AHI@amchameu.eu

41st Annual Competition Policy Conference:
Competition Policy and Economic Security
Thursday, 14 November 2024
With new dynamics on both sides of the Atlantic, leaders face a crucial decision between maintaining a rules-based approach to competition policy or adopting a more industry-oriented approach. This decision is a difficult one to make, in particular as economic security dominates the agenda. But what role should governments play in striking the right balance between openness and strategic autonomy? Join us on Thursday, 14 November for our 41st Annual Competition Policy Conference, where we’ll look and the pros and cons of both approaches.
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14.00 - 14.10: Welcome
- Malte Lohan, CEO, AmCham EU
- Elsa Sependa (AT&T), Chair, Competition Policy Committee, AmCham EU
14.10 - 14.40: Opening address
- Damien Gérard, Prosecutor General, Belgian Competition Authority
14.40 - 15.40: The global age of competition policy: How geopolitics shapes regulation
- Maria Demertzis, Director, Economic Strategy and Finance Program, The Conference Board Europe
- Aura Salla, MEP (EPP, FI)
- Koen Van de Casteele, Director, State aid: General Scrutiny and Enforcement, Directorate-General for Competition, European Commission
- Astri Van Dyke, Director, Global Competition Policy, Google
- Moderator: Ioannis Lianos, Professor, Competition Law and Policy, University College London
15.40 - 15.55: Coffee break
15.55 - 16.00: Presentation from STEP UP
STEP UP is a paid summer in-house legal internship programme which is designed to improve access and provide equal opportunities for law students from diverse backgrounds and skillsets.
16.00 - 17.00: Transaction screening: Striking a balance between economic security and openness
- Ief Daems, Legal Director of Antitrust, Cisco; Chair, In-House Competition Lawyers Association (ICLA)
- Steffen Hindelang, Director and Co-Founder, CELIS Institute and Professor, International Investment and Trade Law, Uppsala University
- Francesco Macchiaroli, General Counsel, Avio Aero
- Aiste Slezeviciute, incoming Head of Sector, Foreign Direct Investment Screening, Directorate-General for Trade, European Commission
- Moderator: Natalie McNelis, Senior Correspondent, MLex
17.00 - 17.05: Closing remarks
- Elsa Sependa (AT&T), Chair, Competition Policy Committee, AmCham EU
17.05 - 18.00: Reception