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The Transatlantic Relationship in a Changing World - AmCham EU Transatlantic Week comes to a close
AmCham EU held its 2016 Transatlantic Week, during the week of 14-18 March, bringing together its many members, AmChams in Europe (ACE) members, stakeholders from EU institutions, Permanent Representations, NGOs and other organisations.

The Transatlantic Reception took place on Wednesday, 16 March in the European Parliament, kindly hosted by David McAllister MEP (EPP, DE).
On 17 March, AmCham EU had the pleasure of hosting its annual Transatlantic Conference at The Hotel in Brussels to launch The Transatlantic Economy 2016 study. David O'Sullivan, EU Ambassador to the US; Joseph Quinlan, Senior Fellow, Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University; Jean-Luc Demarty, Director-General of DG Trade; Michael Punke, Deputy US Trade Representative and US Ambassador to the WTO; Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg and Anthony L. Gardner, US Ambassador to the EU, delivered keynote addresses on the longstanding importance of transatlantic relations and the opportunity to deepen these ties. These were followed by a high level panel discussion on the transatlantic relationship at a crossraods: economic and political cooperation in a changing world.
Thought-provoking and productive breakout sessions were then held on three key issues related to the transatlantic economy: The Digital Market, Financial Services, and Transatlantic Security Cooperation. Key themes that emerged from these debates included the opportunity of further digitalisation of industry to the EU and to the US economies, need for a sound legal and policy framework in order to strengthen international security, and creating open capital markets on both sides of the Atlantic. Panellists and participants discussed the gains and opportunities that TTIP in particular could offer to boost the transatlantic economy and enhance its position as the most integrated economic relationship in the world.
Read the Executive Summary here
View the presentation slides here
Read our press release here: A Testing Time for the Tansatlantic Economy
See pictures of the event here
Watch our video interview with Xavier Bettel, Prime-Minister of Luxembourg
Watch our video interview with Adina-Ioana Vălean, Vice-President of the European Parliament
Watch Joe Quinlan discuss The Transatlantic Economy 2016 report in interview with EurActiv
Watch Noel Clehane of BDO discuss The Transatlantic Economy 2016 report
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