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Introducing the Lizanne Scott Staff Excellence Award winner 2024

19 Jun 2024
All committees

On Tuesday, 18 June during our Annual General Meeting, the Lizanne Scott Staff Excellence Award 2024 was presented to Kim Huynh Thi, Senior Events and Marketing Manager. Congratulations to Kim for her outstanding display of strong work ethic, can-do attitude and sense of teamwork. Her work on our 60th anniversary Gala and staff alumni event were two of the standout reasons for why she won the award. She has shown superb creativity, outstanding project management skills and always has a positive attitude. Well done, Kim!  

Initiated in 2006 and renamed the Lizanne Scott Staff Excellence Award in 2012, the award recognises the outstanding work done by AmCham EU staff in the preceding 12-month period. The award was given by Daniel Bates, son of Lizanne Scott.