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In-depth discussion on Regulatory Cooperation in TTIP at joint EPP-S&D roundtable
On Tuesday 21 April 2014, representatives of the European Parliament, industry and civil society gathered in the European Parliament for a roundtable discussion on regulatory cooperation in TTIP.

The event, co-hosted by MEP Zalba (SP, EPP) and MEP Mosca (IT, S&D ) and supported by AmCham EU, brought the different voices in the current debate on this topic together for an in-depth discussion. Ms Maria Åsenius, Head of Cabinet Commissioner Malmström, explained the Commission’s objectives for horizontal regulatory cooperation and for nine specific sectors in the TTIP negotiations. Ms Åsenius stressed that the EU and US’ right to regulate is not up for debate. The Director General of BEUC, Ms Monique Goyens, expressed her conditional support for TTIP and explained some of the concerns and questions BEUC has with regards to the effects of transatlantic regulatory cooperation through TTIP. Currently working on a paper on this specific topic, Mr Jacques Pelkmans, Senior Research Fellow CEPS, framed the debate in a wider context and added academic background to the many questions on regulatory cooperation in TTIP. A representative from BASF, Mr Paul-Michael Bever, gave a few examples of unnecessary duplicative measures which currently serve as barriers to their transatlantic trade.