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Fostering transatlantic collaboration during AmCham EU's TLD dinner

4 Apr 2024
All committees

On Wednesday, 3 April, AmCham EU hosted a seated dinner in the context of the Transatlantic Legislators’ Dialogue (TLD). Attended by policymakers from Brussels and Washington, DC, as well as global business representatives, the conversation focused on trade, economic cooperation and transatlantic relations. Attendees heard about how to further enhance the relationship between legislators across the Atlantic and the role of transatlantic cooperation in addressing global security challenges.  

The dinner featured Liam Benham (Boeing), Chair, AmCham EU; Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU; Danuta Huebner, MEP (EPP, PL) and co-chair, TLD; US Representative Nathaniel Moran (R-Texas) and co-chair, TLD and Miapetra Kumpala Natri, MEP (S&D, FI).