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Exploring the green transition in Prague
On Tuesday, 14 and Wednesday, 15 May, an AmCham EU delegation visited Prague, Czechia to discuss key issues around environmental topics. The delegates met with representatives from both the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Top of mind during the delegation was how we can enable the green transition, further strengthen transatlantic relations and how to manage external volatility through international cooperation.

On the first day of the visit, delegates met with Jan Maršák, Director, Circular Economy and Waste Management, Ministry of Environment. The following day we met with Jakub Achrer, Head of Unit, Technological Resources and Jana Mašíčková, National Focal Point, Air Protection Department, Ministry of Environment. Later we spoke with Andrea Bartova, Advisor and Tomáš Juhás, Director, EU Affairs, Ministry of Industry and Trade.