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Building bridges: AmCham EU's Doorknock delegation to Washinton, DC
From Monday, 5 to Thursday, 8 February 2024, AmCham EU visited Washington, DC as part of its annual Washington Doorknock delegation. Focused on demonstrating the value of the transatlantic relationship to a US audience, delegates met with a wide range of stakeholders including members of Congress and officials from different departments of the US government. By making these trips to meet with high level policymakers, AmCham EU acts as a bridgebuilder between the two sides of the Atlantic.

The delegates were welcomed on Monday, 5 February by US Representative Nathaniel Moran (R-TX) who spoke about the importance of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council.
Beginning Tuesday, 6 February, the delegation visited the Department of State to meet with Kimberly Harrington, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Energy Resources; Robert Manogue, Director, Bilateral Affairs and Courtney Austrian, Director, Office of the European Union and Regional Affairs to speak about US foreign policy and EU-US cooperation on common challenges.
In the afternoon, we spoke with Michael Rogers, Deputy Assistant United States Trade Representative for Europe who emphasised the importance of EU-US trade.
Following this meeting, we traveled to the EU Delegation to the US where we met with Michelangelo Margherita, Head of Section, Trade and Agriculture; Javier Sancho Velazquez, Head of Section, Global Issues and Innovation; Caitlin Hickey, Trade Advisor; Pedro Martins, Trade Counsellor and Kristian Hedberg, Minister Counsellor, Mobility and Transport to discuss Europe’s priorities with regards to the transatlantic relationship.
Wrapping up the day, delegates presented The Transatlantic Economy 2023 to US Representative Jim Costa (D-CA) to underline the impact that the transatlantic economy has on both sides of the Atlantic.
On Wednesday, 7 February we met with Brian Burton, Senior Adviser, US Department of Defense, as well as with US Representatives Darin LaHood (R-IL) and Joe Wilson (R-SC) before wrapping up the afternoon by meeting with the US Department of Commerce attended by David De Falco, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Europe and Eurasia. In the evening, we took part in a roundtable with the Atlantic Council’s James Batchik, Associate Director; Frances Burwell, Senior Fellow; Jörn Fleck, Senior Director and L. Daniel Mullaney, Nonresident Senior Fellow where we focused on how to future-proof the transatlantic relationship.
We began the final day of the trip by meeting with Merry Walker, Senior Advisor, Office of the Special Envoy for Critical and Emerging Technology, US Department of State to discuss EU-US cooperation on emerging technology. This was followed by two meetings at the National Security Council with Tarun Chhabra, Senior Director for Technology and Andrew Johnson, Senior Director for Europe.