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About us
AmCham EU speaks for American companies committed to Europe on trade, investment and competitiveness issues. It aims to ensure a growth-orientated business and investment climate in Europe. AmCham EU facilitates the resolution of transatlantic issues that impact business and plays a role in creating better understanding of EU and US positions on business matters. Aggregate US investment in Europe totalled more than €3.7 trillion in 2022, directly supports more than 4.9 million jobs in Europe, and generates billions of euros annually in income, trade and research and development.
AmCham EU is a unique organisation comprised of over 160 companies from a broad range of sectors. It is membership-led and membership driven. The secretariat is comprised of about 20 professionals. The members work through a network of committees, four management groups and an Executive Council, and offer expertise from over 750 professionals. The organisation has long been valued as an independent source of quality information and analysis. This reputation has helped to build close ties with EU officials. Through the committee structure members prioritise and advocate on about 100 issues annually, hold workshops, seminars and conferences, which provide a platform for discussion and debate.
AmCham EU speaks for American business dedicated to Europe on trade, investment and competitiveness issues. It wishes to ensure a growth-oriented business and investment climate in Europe. The organisation is committed to facilitating the resolution of transatlantic issues that impact business and plays a role in creating a better understanding of EU and US positions on business matters. AmCham EU is committed to transparent and open communication and inclusive dialogue between our members and European policy-makers.
AmCham EU's vision is to be:
- the most effective advocacy force in the EU;
- the representation body for US business in the EU; and
- a trusted discussion partner for European institutions and government.
The Secretariat coordinates and works on behalf of AmCham EU members' interests and is responsible for the day-to-day activities of the chamber.
AmChams in Europe:
AmChams in Europe (ACE) is the umbrella body for American Chambers in Europe and wider Europe, of which AmCham EU is a member. The network brings together members two to three times per year to exchange best practices, share information on key issues facing US businesses operating in Europe and discuss opportunities for policy cooperation.