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Recommendations to the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union

AmCham EU welcomes the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which comes at a difficult time for the EU and the world. The volatility of the external environment is a serious concern for American companies in the EU, as it puts a strain on the overall competitiveness of the European economy. Strengthening the case for investing in Europe should therefore be a top priority for decision-makers.
Over the next six months, the Spanish Presidency has an opportunity to improve the EU’s business outlook by furthering the twin digital and green transitions, as well as standing firm against protectionism. The Single Market, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, should also be deepened by policymakers with a focus on coordination, harmonisation and enforcement of legislation across Member States.
Our recommendations to the Spanish Presidency aim to raise issues that are vital to shaping a strong and competitive EU and provide concrete input and direction to the Presidency’s work programme over the coming months. AmCham EU looks forward to working closely with Spain during its Presidency to ensure we reach our common objectives of a strong, green and digital economic recovery.