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Position paper - Improving the transfer of defence-related products within the EU

23 Jun 2016
Security, Defence & Space

Directive 2009/43/EC on intra-EU transfers of defence-related products aims to simplify and harmonise the rules and conditions for transfers of defence-related products within the European Union (EU). However, there are indications that the benefits offered by the Directive have not yet been fully exploited by Member States and defence companies. The European Commission is to be commended for its ongoing effort to review the Directive in an all-inclusive manner, particularly as reflected in its Evaluation and Fitness Check Roadmap. AmCham EU hopes that government-industry collaboration will lead to improvements that will make it possible for the Directive to achieve the goals and objectives under which it was established. 

In this paper we provide recommendations to improve the transfer of defence-related products within the EU. Our members believe that addressing the implementation challenges of Directive 2009/43/EC will promote the competitiveness of the European defence market. 

Please contact Ava Lloyd ( for further information.