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Heading to the US with the AmChams in Europe

30 Apr 2024
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From Monday, 22 to Friday, 26 April, AmCham EU joined the AmChams in Europe (ACE) delegation to the United States. Including more than 40 representatives from 30 different AmChams, the delegates visited Washington, DC and Miami to discuss transatlantic business priorities with a range of organisations. Throughout the trip, the need for business-friendly policies across the Atlantic and the importance of the transatlantic relationship continued to be mentioned.  

On the first day, delegates were briefed by the US Chamber of Commerce on a range of topics of importance for American companies in the US. They also met with Marisa Lago, Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade to discuss the state of transatlantic relations. Later that day, the group attended a reception hosted at the EU Delegation to the US for the launch of the Transatlantic Economy 2024 report, in partnership with the US Chamber of Commerce. Deputy Chief of Mission Michael Curtis provided keynote remarks. 

On Tuesday, 23 February, Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU took part in a panel discussion during the US Chamber of Commerce's Transatlantic Business Works Summit to underline the importance of the transatlantic partnership to millions of citizens in Europe and the US. She shared the stage with Markus Beyrer, Director-General of BUSINESSEUROPE and Suzanne Clark, President and CEO, US Chamber of Commerce.   The day was then capped off with meetings with the US Department of State and the Atlantic Council.  

The second half of the delegation took place in Miami, Florida where the group met with the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau and the Royal Caribbean Group.